About David Rohrer Budiash

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So far David Rohrer Budiash has created 86 blog entries.

Pilgrims of Hope on the Path of Peace: Virtual Encounter of Prayer for All Members of Consecrated Life in the United States

2025-02-10T16:27:55+00:00Feb 10, 2025|Categories: In the News|

Review for Religious is pleased to share this video of the virtual encounter of all religious on World Day for Consecrated Life. A collaborative effort of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men, Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious, Leadership Conference of Women Religious, United States Associated [...]

2023 National Assembly Presidential Address

2024-09-26T14:19:11+00:00Aug 15, 2023|Categories: Art & Essays|

Review for Religious is pleased to publish a copy of the Very Rev. Jeffrey Kirch, CPPS's Presidential Address to the 2023 Assembly of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men. In his address, Fr. Kirch contextualizes some of the major issues male religious are facing today, hones in on charism as [...]

Religious Brothers Day 2023

2023-04-27T14:52:56+00:00Apr 27, 2023|Categories: In the News|

Celebrate the 7th Annual Religious Brothers Day with an online gathering on May 1, 2023 at 2pm ET. The Virtual Religious Brothers Day has been planned by the new co-chairs: Brother Andrew Kosmowski, SM, and Brother J.D. Macioce, FSC. Religious Brothers [...]

Evaluation of Spiritual Directors

2022-09-28T13:16:05+00:00Sep 28, 2022|Categories: Art & Essays|

Fr. Kenneth G. Davis, OFM Conv., discusses an evaluative question for spiritual directors: how do I know that I am doing what I think I am doing as a spiritual director? Suggesting that ongoing, formal evaluation is a helpful tool for spiritual directors to use, he offers a matrix [...]

Retirement: A New Version of the Identity Crisis?

2022-09-21T14:28:37+00:00Sep 20, 2022|Categories: Art & Essays|

This article makes the case for an elder identity crisis for religious associated with retirement. Heeding the call to an inner journey, religious typically deal with three movements of recognition:  pervasiveness of egocentrism, inaccurate self-knowledge, and factors limiting one’s inner freedom.  In asking the Holy Spirt to be guide [...]

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