About David Rohrer Budiash

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So far David Rohrer Budiash has created 86 blog entries.

Advent 2021 – Biblical Bookshelf, Part 2

2021-12-03T16:26:11+00:00Dec 3, 2021|Categories: Art & Essays|

Review for Religious is pleased to offer a new essay format: group book reviews on a single topic. We select topics which may be of interest to religious but are not specifically about religious life. For our inaugural bookshelf, biblical scholar Sr. Joan Cook, SC reviews a broad sampling [...]

Advent 2021 – Biblical Bookshelf, Part 1

2021-12-03T16:26:59+00:00Dec 1, 2021|Categories: Art & Essays|

Review for Religious is pleased to offer a new essay format: group book reviews on a single topic. We select topics which may be of interest to religious but are not specifically about religious life. For our inaugural bookshelf, biblical scholar Sr. Joan Cook, SC reviews a broad sampling [...]

Synodality and the Eucharistic Congress: Who Needs to be at the Table? Whom Might I Bring?

2021-12-20T18:50:12+00:00Nov 30, 2021|Categories: Art & Essays|Tags: |

In this essay, Br. Patrick Sean Moffett, CFC reflects on the recent plans from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for a Eucharistic Congress, asking whether there is an opportunity for synodality and the Congress to synthesize in an unexpected way.  Click here to download a copy of [...]

November 19, 2021: Religious Life News

2021-11-19T20:53:03+00:00Nov 19, 2021|Categories: In the News|

November 19, 2021 - Here's a roundup of some recent news on religious life. The revelations about the mistreatment of Native Americans at Catholic boarding schools has prompted both outrage as well as introspection. "Taking Responsibility," an initiative of Fordham University, will hold a special session on Jesuit involvement in [...]

November 5, 2021: Religious Life News

2021-11-05T20:14:38+00:00Nov 5, 2021|Categories: In the News|

November 5, 2021 - Here's a roundup of some recent news on religious life. Commonweal's latest issue features nine stories on religious communities today. Some of these - like the community of Sant'Egidio - are largely lay movements with a strong communal element. Other stories, however, like those on the [...]

Continuing Formation for Safeguarding

2021-11-05T13:32:25+00:00Nov 4, 2021|Categories: Art & Essays|

This essay, revised from a talk presented at the Conference of Major Superiors of Men's Safeguarding Workshop on October 25, 2021, explores the need for continuing formation in safeguarding. It encourages a renewed embrace of the vocation of consecrated life, a commitment to creating safe communities free from harassment [...]

October 29, 2021: Religious Life News

2021-10-29T20:43:50+00:00Oct 29, 2021|Categories: In the News|

October 29, 2021 - Here's a roundup of some recent news on religious life. First, two articles on religious life news in Africa: The Spiritans, founded in France in 1679 and first engaged in missionary work in African in 1799, have elected Fr. Alain Mayama, CSSp as their superior general. [...]

Teaching Faith, Science, and Reason

2021-10-25T13:36:33+00:00Oct 25, 2021|Categories: Art & Essays|

Br. Sam Amos, FMS examines the meaning of science in the life of his high school students, arguing that their very interest in science and respect for its authority is an opportunity for theology teachers and ministers. The questions science and technology raise in the 21st century require answers [...]

October 15, 2021: Religious Life News

2021-10-15T20:42:14+00:00Oct 15, 2021|Categories: In the News|

October 15, 2021 - Here's a roundup of some recent news on religious life. Two pieces of synod news. First, Pope Francis spoke about the importance of women religious for the synodal process during an audience with the Sisters of Charity of St. Jeanne-Antide Thouret. Among other things, he said: [...]

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