About David Rohrer Budiash

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So far David Rohrer Budiash has created 86 blog entries.

Ignatian Year Starts

2021-05-25T19:36:14+00:00May 25, 2021|Categories: In the News|

On May 20, 2021, the Jesuits kicked off a worldwide "Ignatian Year" to mark the 500th anniversary of Ignatius of Loyola's conversion. May 20 is the traditional date given as when Ignatius was struck by a cannonball during a fight at Pamplona, an event which set him on the course [...]

Link Roundup: Sister Nurses and Doctors

2021-05-14T17:35:55+00:00May 14, 2021|Categories: In the News|

May 6-12 was Catholic Nurses week. Although nursing is now largely done by the laity, orders like the Sisters of Mercy continue to operate many healthcare facilities, engaging in healthcare ranging from "scrub nurses and doctors to CEOs, CFOs, and trustees in hospitals and health system." Here's a link roundup [...]

Francis Releases “Antiquum Ministerium”

2021-05-11T14:27:34+00:00May 11, 2021|Categories: In the News|

On May 11, Pope Francis released an Apostolic Letter motu proprio titled "Antiquum Ministerium." The letter establishes the lay ministry of catechist, through a rite to be determined by the Congregation of Divine Worship. The letter begins by reflecting on a New Testament theology of charism, focused especially on 1 [...]

The Consecrated Life In the Light of Dante’s Sun: On the Occasion of Pope Francis’s Candor Lucis Aeternae

2021-05-06T20:33:26+00:00May 6, 2021|Categories: Art & Essays|

Dante is not often thought of as a source that can speak to religious life. Yet, Pope Francis has recommended him to become better known in his recent letter Candor Lucis Aeternae, published on the 25th anniversary of Vita Consecrata. In this essay, Fr. Stephen Pepper, CSC draws a number of parallels [...]

Synodality: Link Roundup

2021-06-02T13:50:50+00:00May 4, 2021|Categories: In the News|

In February, Sr. Nathalie Becquart, XMCJ was appointed undersecretary to the Synod of Bishops. The subsequent media attention on Sr. Becquart, as well as her own interest in promoting the concept of synodality, has led to a spate of articles and thinking about the problems and possibilities synodality possesses. But [...]

New Religious Saint To Be Canonized

2021-04-28T13:53:50+00:00Apr 27, 2021|Categories: In the News|

Vatican News reported that Pope Francis has authorized the Congregation for the Causes of Saints to proceed with the canonization of a new religious saint and decrees about the causes of a number of other religious. The Congregation will soon canonize Margaret of Città del Castello, a third order Dominican [...]

Harry Dorsey, SSJ, African-American Religious

2021-04-21T15:11:52+00:00Apr 21, 2021|Categories: In the News|

On April 20th, a Minnesota jury convicted former police officer Derrick Chauvin of the murder of George Floyd. The Hennepin County Courthouse, barricaded in downtown Minneapolis, had gathered a crowd of protestors, who erupted into cheers when the verdict was read. Seven miles away at the University of St. Thomas, [...]

The Vatican Observatory’s New Website

2021-04-08T18:29:46+00:00Apr 8, 2021|Categories: In the News|

The Vatican Observatory, long run by the Jesuits, has recently complete a redesign of their website. The new site includes features like a podcast, with episodes such as "Death by Meteorite? What are the Chances?" and "The Vatican's Interest in Space Exploration?" There's a list of the scientists working at [...]

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