About David Rohrer Budiash

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So far David Rohrer Budiash has created 86 blog entries.

Black Religious Sisters Broke Racial Barriers

2021-02-17T18:32:34+00:00Feb 17, 2021|Categories: In the News|

Shannen Dee Williams, an assistant professor of history at Villanova University, is writing a book on the history of black religious sisters in America and the way they took on racism and institutional barriers to entry in religious life. Their story is, she says, an overlooked one, and one that [...]

Vincentian Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

2021-02-12T15:20:36+00:00Feb 12, 2021|Categories: In the News|

Fr. Pedro Opeka, CM has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize this year. Opeka was born in Argentina, but has spent nearly three decades ministering to the very poor living near landfills in Madagascar. His association, the Akamasoa humanitarian association helps provide food, water, education, and business opportunities for [...]

25th WDCL: Pope Francis’s Homily

2021-02-10T17:00:03+00:00Feb 10, 2021|Categories: In the News|

On February 2nd, Pope Francis preached for the 25th World Day for Consecrated life. His theme was patience: how Simeon was patient in waiting for the Lord and how those in religious life must be patient, too, whether personally, in community life, or with the world. Read Francis's full homily [...]

Dutch Trappists Try “eNovice”

2021-02-09T20:41:26+00:00Feb 9, 2021|Categories: In the News|

Koningshoeven Abbey in the Netherlands has introduced a new idea for those discerning entrance into their Trappist monastery: an electronic, or virtual, novitiate, which they call "eNovice." This system does not seem to be a replacement for the in-person novitiate, but rather is a tool that those interested in the monastery [...]

25th World Day for Consecrated Life Through the Lens of Fratelli Tutti: Video

2021-03-26T13:10:39+00:00Feb 3, 2021|Categories: Conferences|

On February 2nd, the Conference of Major Superiors of Men, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, the Religious Formation Conference, the Religious Brothers Conference, and the National Religious Vocation Conference held a meeting to discuss religious life through the lens of Pope Francis's new encyclical, Fratelli Tutti. The event was [...]

Submit Reflection on Fratelli Tutti talk

2021-01-29T15:15:03+00:00Jan 27, 2021|Categories: Resource|

“Fratelli Tutti: To see what really matters” was a talk originally delivered to men and women religious in the United States as a webinar sponsored by the Conference of Major Superiors of Men on January 21, 2021. Given the time constraints of the talk, Cardinal Michael Czerny, SJ, could only [...]

Fratelli Tutti: To see what really matters

2021-04-30T01:24:00+00:00Jan 22, 2021|Categories: Art & Essays|

Fratelli Tutti: To see what really matters Cardinal Michael Czerny, S.J. Under Secretary of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development Address to the Conference of Major Superiors of Men January 21, 2021 This was a talk given the men and women religious during a webinar sponsored by the Conference [...]

Catholic Sisters – Overlooked Scientists

2021-02-05T18:32:01+00:00Jan 12, 2021|Categories: In the News|

Dr. Peggy Delmas recently published a qualitative account of three early scientific pioneers, all of them women religious. She found their experience in scientific research to be marked by marginalization and religious discrimination, but they also enjoyed remarkable support from their congregations and often saw their work as extension of [...]

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