November 19, 2021: Religious Life News

2021-11-19T20:53:03+00:00Nov 19, 2021|Categories: In the News|

November 19, 2021 - Here's a roundup of some recent news on religious life. The revelations about the mistreatment of Native Americans at Catholic boarding schools has prompted both outrage as well as introspection. "Taking Responsibility," an initiative of Fordham University, will hold a special session on Jesuit involvement in [...]

November 5, 2021: Religious Life News

2021-11-05T20:14:38+00:00Nov 5, 2021|Categories: In the News|

November 5, 2021 - Here's a roundup of some recent news on religious life. Commonweal's latest issue features nine stories on religious communities today. Some of these - like the community of Sant'Egidio - are largely lay movements with a strong communal element. Other stories, however, like those on the [...]

October 29, 2021: Religious Life News

2021-10-29T20:43:50+00:00Oct 29, 2021|Categories: In the News|

October 29, 2021 - Here's a roundup of some recent news on religious life. First, two articles on religious life news in Africa: The Spiritans, founded in France in 1679 and first engaged in missionary work in African in 1799, have elected Fr. Alain Mayama, CSSp as their superior general. [...]

October 15, 2021: Religious Life News

2021-10-15T20:42:14+00:00Oct 15, 2021|Categories: In the News|

October 15, 2021 - Here's a roundup of some recent news on religious life. Two pieces of synod news. First, Pope Francis spoke about the importance of women religious for the synodal process during an audience with the Sisters of Charity of St. Jeanne-Antide Thouret. Among other things, he said: [...]

October 7, 2021: Religious Life News

2021-10-08T18:59:25+00:00Oct 8, 2021|Categories: In the News|

October 7, 2021 - Here's a roundup of some recent news on religious life. The International Theological Commission, which has a long history of important religious theologians contributing to its efforts (the inaugural council in 1969, for instance, included Henri de Lubac, SJ, Yves Congar, OP, Karl Rahner, SJ, and [...]

Religious Congregations Going Green with Laudato Si’

2021-09-22T18:57:35+00:00Sep 22, 2021|Categories: In the News|

Pope Francis's encyclical letter Laudato Si' and the Laudato Si' Action Platform have encouraged many religious congregations to either start or continue to seriously engage with how to care for our common home. Several congregations of women religious have undertaken projects of varying complexity to enact the teaching of Laudato Si'.  [...]

Links: Junípero Serra Controversy Continues

2021-09-13T19:09:04+00:00Sep 13, 2021|Categories: In the News|

St. Junípero Serra, OFM continues to be controversial. A Franciscan missionary to California in the 18th century, he was responsible for setting up a series of missions across a span of California, ranging from modern-day San Diego to San Francisco. Canonized by Pope Francis in 2015, he was long-respected and [...]

Sept. 10, 2021: Religious Life News

2021-09-10T19:08:37+00:00Sep 10, 2021|Categories: In the News|

September 10, 2021: Here's a roundup of some recent news on religious life: Addressing the Claretians, who are in Rome for their General Chapter, Pope Francis encouraged them to contemplate and remain intimate with the Lord for their mission to be fruitful Jesuit Br. Michael Wooters swam nearly eight miles [...]

Card. Grech Releases Letter to Monastic and Contemplative Communities

2021-09-07T14:35:34+00:00Sep 7, 2021|Categories: In the News|Tags: |

Cardinal Mario Grech, Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, released a letter to monastic and contemplative communities on August 28, 2021, urging them to pray for the Synod of Bishops. Card. Grech focused on three words - listening, conversion, and communion - as closely tied to contemplative life and essential for [...]

In Memoriam: +Fr. Joseph Koterski, SJ

2021-08-11T20:01:55+00:00Aug 11, 2021|Categories: In the News|

Review for Religious mourns the sudden loss of editorial board member and guest editor of our first special issue, Fr. Joseph Koterski, SJ. He died unexpectedly on August 9th, 2021. Fr. Koterski was a well-noted intellectual, teaching and writing on Aristotle, natural law, and medieval philosophy, among other topics. He [...]

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