May 10, 2022
It is assembly season for the conferences of religious, with many of the English-speaking conferences having already announced the date of their annual assemblies. In the United States, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious’ assembly will be August 9-12 in St. Louis, MO, on the theme of “Mystical Wisdom: Following the Spirit’s Beckoning.” The Council of Major Superiors of Women’s assembly will be September 15-18 in St. Louis, MO, with more details to come. The Conference of Major Superiors of Men’s assembly will be August 2-4 in Buffalo, NY on the theme of “One in the Mission of Christ: Co-Responsibility in Religious Leadership.” Catholic Religious Australia’s assembly will be August 29-September 1, with more details to come.
Religious Brothers Day was May 1. The annual event, put on by the Religious Brothers Conference, is a celebration of the vocation of the religious brother. Watch a recording of the event here, and read Br. Larry Schatz, FSC talk about the event here.
The Brothers of Christian Instruction recently announced a new venture, the “Adrien Nyel Project.” Led by Br. Ernest Miller, FSC (who also chairs the Editorial Board of Review for Religious), the project aims to help “ignite a zeal for teaching.” Read their post about the project here.
Finally, the Abbey of the Genesee has produced a beautiful video about their way of life: watch it here.